Nice to meet ya’ 👍 (🎵what’s ya name?…🎵)

image: script "welcome"

Middleground: open laptop; poignant depiction of an email
Welcome. I’m here to verify integrity of communications and to share some thoughts.

Thanks for dropping by. Really.

This just in: Yamaha SX190 jet boat for sale!

Go directly to the listing or share this direct chortling with a friend:

More info about the Yamaha SX190 jet boat at my blog postnow back to your regularly scheduled programming!

Hokey pokey? Nawh, this is what it’s all about!

Overture: (Secure) Communication. Powered by Trust ✓℠

Regardless of why or how you reached My Site, You deserve to know that at the forefront of every feature and word herein is, as The Piano Man himself said in the outro, “(Always Been) A Matter of Trust.” In that regard, it’s a high priority to be truthful and transparent with you, so I’ve developed this combination blog and verification site. Why? Now you can easily and regularly authenticate documents and communications from Me, from emails to PDFs and paper documents! You’ll see variations of the aforementioned famous chorus’s concept, and particularly, outro echoed throughout the Site. It’s truly Powered by Trust ✓℠.


Did I create this site because I’m a total nerd and seriously enjoy writing copy? I’d be liable to be charged for something–because, you know, given lawyers and science and reasons–if I said no. So why does this site exist? Simply put: I was tired of typical providers and their lack of organization offered. My handle has always been @corykoz(®), so that’s the name, folks.

Most importantly is that commercial email sucks. Really hard. Plus, people don’t use it properly. Accordingly, and in our age of increasing dependency on digital identity, I’ve migrated to my own brand to communicate effectively, automate tasks, highlight key messages, and the likes. That’s it. That’s really why I bought the domain. This Site is simply an unintentional gift!

There’s even super secret!! (shh!) features here where you can be directed to a page by scanning a QR code. Those special pages run on Internet Super Powers (generic name: “magic”) to prove we’re talking, even if it’s on paper.

Intermizzo: Future Directions

To be fully transparent–because deception is pretty lame, at best–I have no idea nor plan of what to do here. Again, this site exists because it has to. Maybe it’ll be a fascinating blog featuring professional content peppered with sarcasm, wit, humour (that’s UK humor, folks), and the likes. All boosted with the same proprietary Internet Super Powers.

We’ll see. Feel free to drop me a line with suggestions. Thanks so much for visiting.

If you’re employer or wish to offer me credit or other very serious things, fear not (please!): my CV is de facto evidence that I can–and have–effectively juggle bone fide employment and–dig this–also exercise wit (with discretion, of course).

I’ve come to the conclusion that the Purpose of Life, and all things we each do as a part of it, it to know, understand, participate in and enjoy humour. The strongest bonds I’ve made in my >15-yr Professional life have been based on this universal common ground: a type- or subject of humour we each enjoy. You’ll have to agree at least to agree that (appropriate) humour in work life is every bit as important as it is in personal life.



There are no posts at the moment. Stay tuned. Are you free? Then why not put me up to cranking out some content??

Share & Join In. Colleagues, feel free to follow my public profiles. You’re welcome to add me there, share stories to/from this site, etc. Friends, feel free to add me on my protected accounts.

Citations: Upon share, please cite and attribute the website, including specific page. When able, please also tag with one or more of the social media profiles (e.g., @corykoz).