Hello, World!

hello world script web blog post corykoz

Abstract by @corykoz

Introduction: Communication powers learning, relationships, business, and, really, all of life–even microscopic organisms communicate (albeit with chemicals, not words). Purpose: Dissatisfied with existing email frameworks, I secured an alternative, which includes additional mechanisms to authenticate communications. Here, I christen this website (https://corykoz.com). Methods: Drawing upon experience administering email and websites for clients and employers, I secured services to make that communication work. And I polished it to be truly Powered by Trust™. Results: To avoid waste (as in, a domain name but with no fun…just email), I’ve arrived at this Site, complete with a blog! Conclusions & Discussion: I demonstrate that it’s possible to both have thoughts (shared, e.g., herein) and have a career. Readers are welcome to discuss the mundane to the brilliant. As a scientist by heart, training, and education, I Christen the Site in a safe, familiar structure. Future Directions: Follow along as I post content. The written Word is the start: You’ll direct what comes next. Acknowledgments: I thank a personal circle in supporting this cause and trust that You will join.

This site–especially blog–was never meant to be. Now it’s here. Why? What next?

If you’ve spent 10 seconds on the homepage, you know that I grew frustrated with poorly managed, chaotic, disorganized email from free providers. Plus the inherent scooping of personal data from emails.

And if you’re an employer, please consider that many successful persons live full lives with digital personas, succeeding at both work and joy without sacrificing ethics, quality, or commitment.

Hello, World! –@corykoz

Baby Steps: From Emails to (Digital) Trust & Transparency

For many months, corykoz.com existed only as a vessel: the domain let me email friends, colleagues, family, and the likes, and it was never really intended to do much more. And it was (and remains) very good at fixing that email-related stress. But still no need for a web presence.

Later, I had an idea which turned into one reason to establish a web presence. Because I’m also a Notary Public and for unrelated personal reasons, I also regularly use Digital Certificates to sign PDF documents and encrypt others. Since I already have the hosting and domain, why not commit to transparency? That is, why not publish my Certificates? Then, recipients could ensure their documents were valid. And thus, page one was born!

Transparency: Appeal to Jobs and Employers, and Be Me

WordPress is familiar to me, easy to use, handsome, and it gets the job done. Thus, deciding how to establish myself was without hesitation. In line with the thought for transparency, I first added the fingerprints to my Certificates.

Let me explain that I enjoy to work! I love my industry (healthcare) and contributing to better treatments for patients across the globe (clinical trials). My career remains incredibly rewarding. Unfortunately, some uncharitable souls necessarily apply judgment–without offering a discussion–to folks with real, available personas. Hence, it was (and remains!) key to reassure my colleagues that I succeed in enjoying both personal- and work lives! That is, it was important for me to next publish a page explaining why and how I’m online. An ask for acceptance and grace.

At that point, though, it was decided: Here’s a platform–why not share things I know and to try to bring joy to others. In a welcoming community offering opportunity for discussion–hopefully academic, and perhaps some silly stories to ground ourselves. This blog serves that mission.

Crowd? The dialogue is just beginning! (Obligatory: “Share!”)

Let’s be real: I don’t expect any commenters, let alone many readers. Nonetheless, perhaps somebody on Google will find just what they needed nestled in these digital walls. If things grow, that’s great.

I’m excited that this Hello, World post kicks off the dialogue! Please be kind. Please share. Maybe tell a friend. More than anything, engage where you can! And if you’re an employer, please consider that many successful persons live full lives with digital personas, succeeding at both work and joy without sacrificing ethics, quality, or commitment.

And with that, as has been said by millions of fascinating people before me…

Hello, World!

-cory a/k/a @corykoz

hello world script web blog post corykoz
Not a software person? Wondering the emphasis on this particular phrase? “Hello World” is the first code most of us learn, and it’s associated with something new. #themoreyouknow

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