The Global Policy: Site Use, Rules, Privacy & Terms–Policy is a Contract

site use agreement, privacy policy, global policy, transparency, trust choices, ad choices, opt-out

Amendment Alert: 04-Aug-2023

The Global Policy is undergoing a facelift or sorts, and the fresh, youthful version will be released soon! I’ve rewritten the Policy to help you read it easily, including by dropping verbose text, arranging a suave flow, and more. And it still outlines how I protect you (plus your promises to me and the rules you must follow). In the meantime, the existing, published The Global Policy is in full force as-is.


Agreement Between User, Me & Site

OWNER: Welcome to The website (the “Site”) is comprised of various web pages operated by Me, the “Owner” (“I”). The Owner or relevant Authority of this Site is the entity as on-file with the Hosting Company of the Site (“Host,” ”Server”), and the same is as listed per the most current, real-time, official publication of such Ownership as appears and is on-file with ICANN; jointly and severally comprising ”The Site” (“Site,” ”Me,” ”My,” “I,” “(The) Domain,” and/or “(The) Site”).

AGREEMENT: (Site) is offered to You conditioned on Your full acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, or notices contained herein (the “Terms”). Your use of automatically constitutes Your full agreement to all such Terms. Please read these terms carefully.

SITE: is (primarily) a blog Site. The prevailing Purposes of the Site are to market the Owner, to share content (such as commentaries and academic content), to foster discussion, and to encourage sharing of ideas.

The Global Policy–Purposes & Definitions


Such definitions and terms in this subsection, and other definitions and terms herein, apply regardless of whether such term(s) is capitalized or not; the singular shall also mean the same as the plural; the plural shall also mean the same as the singular; the feminine shall also mean the masculine; and, the masculine shall also mean the feminine:

“You,” “Your,” or “Yourself” shall refer to the entity accessing or using this Site, as defined herein. Other terms that mean You include “Visitor,” “(Registered) User,” “Guest,” and the likes. Such entity may be a natural person, machine, business, agency, or otherwise legally recognized or unrecognized entity. These terms further apply to each and every person and other non-person entity acting or purporting to act on behalf of such person(s) or non-person(s).

Accessing this Site means the same as “Browsing,” “Visiting,” “Viewing,” “Use (of),” “Using,” “Participating” in any manner (such as via registration, commenting, fetching the domain of the Site via any DNS service, fetching the IP address of the Site, loading the Site, etc.) or as otherwise further defined herein. Such Access begins the moment that You request this Site to be Served or delivered to You via any means, such as by entering the web address (Domain) into a browser or other tool, entering the Site’s IP address into a browser or other tool, (attempting) via FTP or SSH, or otherwise requesting any form of data from this Site, Domain, or Server or from any third parties which may be hosting data on our behalf (such as, e.g., CDN(s), WAF(s), etc.).


Privacy, fairness, integrity, transparency, and legal rights are important. I set forth the Terms for Your use of the Site in this Policy document. This document, made of all terms and (sub)portions herein and above, is referred to as “The Global Policy” (“(The) Policy”). The Policy is a Contract, and it governs, among other areas, Your Use of the Site. Further, this Policy explains rights, privileges, and protections–for both You and Me–because We each are afforded certain permissions towards each other. It also establishes fair guidelines for commenting, sharing media, respecting copyright law, proper access and use of the site (“good traffic” vs. “bad traffic”), Your privacy entitlements, how I secure and protect Your data, Your data choices and more. It also explains some of the third-party Services (defined: next paragraph) I use, why they tend to be important, and how You can limit Your exposure (if at all).

The Global Policy applies to You and to each and every User of such Site(s). Further, some parts apply to emails to/from this Domain. You are hereby advised that I use third-party Services and/or Products, together being ”The Services” (“Services,” ”Provider(s),” “Vendor(s)”) or individually ”The Service” (“A Service,” ”Service,” ”A Provider,” A Vendor) [purposes and uses described herein].

Together, I (the Owner) and You (the Visitor) are herein “The Parties,” each being a “Party” to this contract, presented as The Global Policy (and its constituents).

The Global Policy is a Contract


Electronic Communications: Visiting, the Site, and sending emails to same Domain each individually and severally constitutes electronic communications. You consent to receive electronic communications, and You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that I–and, where applicable, my Vendors–provide to You electronically, via email and on the Site, satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. You agree that I may forcibly prevent you from accessing the Site or from delivering messages to my email address, including via IP address banning, email address banning, or other means. I do not need to disclose—under any condition—to You when nor why You will be- or have been banned/blocked from electronic communications.

Your Account: If You use this site as a Registered User, You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your account and password and for restricting access to Your computer. Further, You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under Your account or password. You may not assign or otherwise transfer Your account to any other person or entity. You acknowledge that Site is not responsible for third party access to Your account that results, for instance, from theft or misappropriation of Your account. Site and its associates (Vendors, Services) reserve the right to refuse or cancel service, terminate accounts, or remove or edit content in our individual or joint discretion.

Minors: Site does not advertise to minors, and it is not intended for use by minors. Further, Site does knowingly nor intentionally collect, either online or offline, personal information from persons under the age of thirteen (-13-) years of age. If You are under eighteen (-18-) years old, You may use only with permission of a parent or lawful guardian. If this applies to You, then You MUST immediately leave the Site until you reach such an age -and- agree to The Policy; or, until you have parental/guardian approval -and- agree to The Policy along with Your parent/guardian’s agreement to the Policy. If You are under 13 years old, You MUST not post or otherwise share any data. Do not send or provide data to Me via any means that would violate this Policy.


All contents of the Policy are applicable together. You cannot opt-out nor disregard any specific (sub)section(s), portion(s), addendums, or incorporations of this Policy. However, you CAN opt-out of certain cookies.

You must accept all contents of this Policy together and in-whole. If You do not agree to all of these terms, You must immediately leave the Site. You may revisit later but only if You decide to agree with and accept The Global Policy.



The Global Policy, in whole and severally, is governed by the laws and regulations of the State of Ohio, United States of America. Any disputes, actions, claims, and/or (law)suits brought by- or against Me (The Owner), another User(s)/Party(ies), the Site, or a combination of such parties, must and will be conducted or tried in a Court of competent jurisdiction of My choosing, being within the State of Ohio. You do not get to pick the venue. If required by federal regulations or by the FRCP, some such actions/suits may be held in a federal court, which would still be a federal court located in Ohio and of my choosing.

International Users: The Site and Service is controlled, operated, administered, and served by the Site from offices and host servers exclusively within the USA. If You access the Site or Service from a jurisdiction outside the USA, You are responsible for compliance with all local laws, but I am not required to comply with them. You agree that You will not use the Site Content accessed through in any foreign country or in any manner prohibited by any applicable laws, restrictions, or regulations.

I and the Site do NOT market to- or advertise in- countries other than the United States. Therefore, neither I or the Site are subject to most, or possibly any, foreign laws (that is: laws or regulations not codified- and ratified by the State of Ohio or by the USA). Accordingly, You—if a foreign visitor, whether physically or via network (e.g., VPN)—acknowledge and agree to this disclosure. Further You expressly and unconditionally waive Your otherwise-afforded rights, including regarding any foreign privacy- or data protection policies.


If any (sub)part, (sub)portion, (sub)section, or addendum of this Policy (which is a Contract and an Agreement) is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illicit, or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability limitations set forth herein, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision, and the remainder of the agreement shall continue in effect. Furthermore, all other sections not deemed unenforceable remain valid and in full force.


If and where any (sub)portion(s) of this Policy–or any (sub)portion(s) herein or contained in a separate Page that are expressly ratified- and duly incorporated into this Policy–duplicate or conflict with any other (sub)portion(s) of this Policy, then the (sub)portion(s) most favorable to Me shall prevail.

Legally Registered Features & Marks; High-level Copyright

As used within this website and elsewhere, corykoz, and any variation(s) or stylization(s) thereof–including any and all variants, image(s), cartoon(s), word mark(s), or otherwise, is a Registered Trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). The mark is registered as serial #97693956 pursuant to proceeding #93934.

The Registered mark symbol (®) must always follow the mark (except, for instance, in illustrations showing what the base of the mark is). Thus, a complete written stylization may be, for instance: CORYKOZ®.

PENDING MARK(S): IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST℠ and INTERNET SUPER POWERS℠ are each pending registration. Furthermore, I claim common law copyright of such marks. You must not re- or misappropriate, mix, sample, or else use in any format or proceeding either such mark during the pending USPTO registration process or while under My claim of common law copyright. To identify each as a protected mark, each is followed by the service mark symbol (℠). This list is not necessarily comprehensive nor exhaustive, meaning other elements or marks may be pending registration. Items may be ™ or ℠.

Only the USPTO registrant, e.g., Site Owner (Me), has right and claim to said mark(s), registered, pending, or common law claimed. No other person shall make or cause to be made any production of the mark except with the express, written consent of USPTO registrant/trademark owner. For instance, no person or entity may: 1) use the mark or any rendition thereo, whether implying or claiming that s/he/they is the owner or else credit thereof; 2) modify or “mix” the mark from official published art forms, such as cartoons or images, whether claiming ownership- or credit thereof; 3) or any other act or omission which would actually or tend to infringe upon the legal and non-legal protections afforded to the owner of the trademark, including any lawfully created renditions thereof. This list is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive.

I reserve all rights and all procedures and remedies, whether legal or otherwise, including–among others–protection of/against- and enforcement of/against- illicit or apparently illicit use, creation, distribution, or display of the registered mark.

You may be entitled to a fair use exception, depending on the lawful restrictions, extensions, and laws in My jurisdiction, provided you always provide full, complete, and clear credit/attribution/citation to Me and/or My Site as the author/owner and provided that the mark(s) is not misrepresented, creates confusion of ownership, or for other reasons that I may determine. This shall not be misconstrued as Me granting you any form of approval or license to use in any way said registered mark. You should consult an attorney before use, display, or other protected expressions of My marks or content.

How I Protect You & Your Data

This Site features multi-level, redundant controls for security across multiple protocols spanning physical, geographical and computing areas.*

I attempt to protect Your data in various ways. Explanations follow, and detailed descriptions exist elsewhere [N.b.: forthcoming]: such separate pages do NOT form a section or subsection of The Global Policy—such separate pages are strictly informational, are explicitly distinct from this Policy, and they are not enforceable by You.

  • Secure & Encrypted: The Server at the Host is remote and locked under at least two physical barriers, preventing unauthorized access. Also, the Host is a reputable company with a distinguished, trustworthy presence.*
  • My Server forces, when able, traffic to be encrypted round trip: From the moment You type the Domain, Your traffic is securely encrypted via TLS 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 until it reaches My Host’s Server securely, and the return process repeats until returned to You, all encrypted. While I have redundantly encoded mechanisms that are meant to upgrade insecure connections, ultimately Your equipment and software are independent.* Note: I am not responsible for issues or errors that cause content to be delivered to You unencrypted, for example as in cases that Your browser or equipment are not capable of receiving such requests.
  • I’ve blocked insecure (HTTP) requests and outdated forms (e.g., TLS 1.0). The Host also uses hardware and software controls to protect You.*
  • This Site features OV SSL (“organization-validated secure sockets layer”). This is thrice-over useful: 1) this level includes DV (“domain validation”), meaning this Domain ( is genuine and belongs to Me; 2) that I am the Owner and Authority of this Site, and, 3) that connections, communications, and transmissions between the Site/Server/Host and Your computer/device are encrypted using TLS technology. You’ll see ”https://“ at the start as an indicator.*
  • The Site forces secure TLS connections. I have coded, redundantly, a demand that Your browser uses the secure TLS connection (formerly known as “SSL”). If You arrive at ”http://,“ You ought to be redirected to the more secure ”https://“ wherever possible.*
  • Transient cookies that You brought to the Site are asked to follow the same secure encryption; for third party cookies for the purposes of security and traffic modeling–I cannot and do not knowingly or intentionally connect data within such safety, performance, or analytics cookies.* More below.
  • When a signature is required, I often elect to digitally sign or digitally certify it with a X.509, PKI-compliant certificate. IdenTrust, who issues My signing and encryption certificates, has vetted My identity, meaning You can trust works, like PDFs, that bear My signature.* More below.
  • Some important emails are also digitally signed or encrypted. You MUST use a client such as Outlook or Apple Mail–desktop versions only–to validate that encryption. Mobile versions should still let you open duly-signed emails. If You do not desire an encrypted email experience, simply open the email(s) in the program of your choice: this Policy does not require You to use encrypted emails.*

*No warranty



COMMENTING RULES & MODERATION: This Site strives to be and foster an inclusive, welcoming, fun, engaging, positive and fair place. Accordingly, You do not have the right to post any Comment on any page. Where indicated, You are allowed to leave a comment. Your remarks must meet the aforementioned criteria, as determined by Me. Otherwise, Your comment(s) may be deleted, and You could be banned. In other words, I can and may moderate all pages where commenting is enabled, and I reserve control of which comments are allowed to stay and who is not allowed to comment (anywhere). I do not guarantee moderation, and I make no warranty nor claim that any post or shared media will be moderated.


YOUR GRAVATAR (PICTURE) AS A POSTER: An anonymized string created from Your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if You are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: Your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment. I may provide feedback if your profile picture/Gravatar is offensive and thus needs to be removed/updated.

Communications Services (Posts, etc.)

COMMUNICATION SERVICES: The Site may contain chat, commenting, and/or posting areas; news groups; feeds (RSS, etc.); personal web pages; calendars; and/or other message or communication facilities designed to enable You to communicate with the public at large or with a group (collectively, “Communication Services”).

DISALLOWED ACTS & MODERATION: You agree to use the Communication Services only to post, send and receive messages and material that are proper and related to the particular Communication Service. By way of example, and not as a limitation, You agree that when using a Communication Service, You will not actually- or cause to happen: defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others; publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information; upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy of publicity) unless You own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents; upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer; advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any business purpose, unless such Communication Service specifically allows such messages; conduct or forward surveys, contests, pyramid schemes or chain letters; download any file posted by another user of a Communication Service that You know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in such manner; falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is uploaded; restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Communication Services; violate any code of conduct or other guidelines which may be applicable for any particular Communication Service; harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent; violate any applicable laws or regulations.

Communications: Integrity Enforcement

Spam & Safe Community: Third party Services automatically collect information about Visitors who engage in Communication Services (e.g., comment)–for example, Akismet (privacy policy) is an anti-spam Service used by this Site. The information collected typically includes the commenter’s IP address, user agent, referrer, and Site URL (along with other information directly provided by the commenter such as their name, username, email address, and the comment itself). Some items are access-controlled by reCaptcha v3 (privacy policy).

Data Safety & Website Integrity–Metadata: I or my Providers analyze metadata provided by Your ISP, browser, or device, including by automated and real-time means. I do not attempt to link it to You, and security Services process such data in real-time for the express use of preventing attack(ers) (“Offending Party(ies)”) to the Site and to Your data (such as postings, comments, username, etc). I do NOT retain any of the data processed by most Providers: it all is parsed in real-time. However, some Services do produce logs for commonly accepted Good Documentation Practices: I may retain logs, including IP addresses. Policy is to destroy logs every 6 months, but I may keep confirmed bad actors’ data longer. You cannot opt-out, but You can decide to leave and not visit. Because this process collects NO traditionally protected data (such as any data allegedly categorized by- or allegedly protected under CCPA), You cannot opt-out and cannot ask Me to delete it.

Moderation, Disclosures, Posting Personal Information

MODERATION NOT GUARANTEED: Neither Owner nor Site has any obligation to monitor the Communication Services. However, Site reserves the right to review materials posted to a Communication Service and to remove any materials in its sole discretion. Site reserves the right to terminate Your access to any or all of the Communication Services–or to the Site at large–at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever.

RIGHT TO DISCLOSE TO AUTHORITIES: Site reserves the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to post, or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, in Site’s sole discretion.

CAUTION ON SHARING PERSONAL INFORMATION: Always use caution when giving out any personally identifying information about yourself or your children in any Communication Service. Site does not control or endorse the content, messages, or information found in any Communication Service and, therefore, Site specifically disclaims any liability with regard to the Communication Services and any actions resulting from your participation in any Communication Service. Managers and hosts are not authorized Site spokespersons, and their views do not necessarily reflect those of Site. Materials uploaded to a Communication Service may be subject to posted limitations on usage, reproduction and/or dissemination. You are responsible for adhering to such limitations if you upload the materials.

If You feel Your personal data has been published without Your knowledge or approval, please complete a DSAR Request so that I may attempt to remove related data.

Third Party Services

Third Party Services & Links to Third Party Sites

The Site may contain links to other websites (“Linked Sites”). The Linked Sites are not under the control of Site and Site is not responsible for the contents of any Linked Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Linked Site, or any changes or updates to a Linked Site. Site is providing these links to You only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Site of the site or any association with its operators.

Certain services made available via are delivered by third party sites and organizations (“Vendor,” “Service,” “Provider”). By using any product, service or functionality originating from the domain, You hereby acknowledge and consent that Site may share such information and data with any third party with whom Site has a contractual relationship to provide the requested product, service or functionality on behalf of users and customers.

Linking Third Party Accounts

You will be able to connect your Site account to third party accounts: for example–yet neither promised nor limited to: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. By connecting Your Site account to Your third party account, You acknowledge and agree that You are consenting to the continuous release of information about You to others (in accordance with Your privacy settings on those third party sites). If You do not want information about You to be shared in this manner, do not use this feature.

Embedded Content From Other Websites

Portions of this Site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content may come from My Provider(s) and/or Service(s) and/or from other websites. Such content behaves in the exact same way as if the Visitor has Visited the other website. I do not intend nor claim ownership of such media.

Such websites (that provide the media) may collect data about You, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor Your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking Your interaction with the embedded content if You have an account and are logged in to that website. You must opt-out directly with that provider, and I cannot exercise Your rights for You with these interactions.

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use & No Prohibited Intellectual Property

License To You is Limited and Revocable

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use strictly in accordance with these Terms and this Policy. As a condition of your use of the Site, you warrant to Site that you will not use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms. You may not use the Site in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Site, including–but not limited to–other Visitors or Vendors. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Site.

Site Owns Media Furnished by Site

All content included as part of the Service, such as text, graphics, logos, images, as well as the compilation thereof, and any software or service used on or by the Site or its Owner, is the property of Site or its suppliers/vendors and protected by copyright and other laws that protect intellectual property and proprietary rights. You agree to observe and abide by all copyright and other proprietary notices, legends or other restrictions contained in any such content and will not make any changes thereto.

No Exploitation of Copyright & No Use of Site’s Proprietary Elements

You will not modify, publish, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any of the content, in whole or in part, found on the Site. Site content is not for resale. Your use of the Site does not entitle You to make any unauthorized use of any protected content, and in particular You will not delete or alter any proprietary rights or attribution notices appearing in any content. You will use protected content solely for your personal use and will make no other use of the content without the express written permission of Site and the copyright owner. You agree that you do not acquire any ownership rights in any protected content. We do not grant you any licenses, express or implied, to the intellectual property of Site or our licensors except as expressly authorized by these Terms.

User’s Limited Intellectual Property

CONSIDER YOUR METADATA: If You upload images, videos, or any other media to the Site, You should consider to avoid uploading images or videos with embedded location data (e.g., EXIF GPS) included. This is because other Visitors to the Site can download and extract any embedded data (e.g., location, device type) from images on the Site.

You should also scrub any metadata that You don’t wish to share. For instance, Your media may be embedded with Your name, Your device type, name, and model, the location (GPS or inferred), and more. You may retain Your own keywords, copyright notice, etc.; however, see below regarding this.

If posting media and/or content to the Site, in any manner or format, You represent and warrant that (a) You own or otherwise have original control all of the rights to the content that You post, or You otherwise have the right to post such content to the Site and to grant the rights granted herein; (b) the information you supply is true, accurate and not misleading; and (c) the use and posting of the content you supply does not violate these rules and will not violate any rights of or cause injury to any person or entity and will not violate any laws. You agree that You will not post or else make available media for which You do not hold (copy)right(s) if such use would be a violation of the original author’s and/or publisher’s rights -or- if such use would violate fair use laws. Nothing in this Policy shall be construed as limiting to any degree your right to share media under US fair use law.

In addition to the above, if You post media, You relinquish Your–and/or entitlement to such a copyright–and related control to me, inherently allowing Me, the Host, and Service(s), unlimited use without license, royalty, etc. I become the owner, co-owner, or unrestricted, free licensee; or any/all of these–of the media indefinitely.

Automatic Licensure to Site & Owner

Site does not claim ownership of the materials You provide to (including feedback and suggestions) or post, upload, input or submit to any Site Site or our associated Services (collectively “Submissions”). However, by posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting your Submission You are granting Site, our affiliated companies and necessary sublicensees permission to use Your Submission in connection with the operation of their Internet businesses including, without limitation, the rights to: copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate and reformat your Submission; and to publish Your name in connection with your Submission.

No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Submission, as provided herein. Site is under no obligation to post or use any Submission You may provide and may remove any Submission at any time in Site’s sole discretion. By posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting Your Submission You warrant and represent that You own or otherwise control all of the rights to Your Submission as described in this section including, without limitation, all the rights necessary for You to provide, post, upload, input or submit the Submissions


You May Have Fair Use Protection(s)

As indicated herein, You agree that You will not post or else make available media for which You do not hold (copy)right(s) if such use would be a violation of the original author’s and/or publisher’s rights -or- if such use would violate fair use laws.

That said, in the United States, where this Site is Hosted, all persons are entitled to certain protections related to Copyright per various regulations, namely 17 USC § 107 (“Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use”), a/k/a ”Fair Use (Doctrine).” I do not purport to be an authority on this subject, nor am I a lawyer nor attorney, nor am I offing legal advice, nor am I entering into nor creating a client-attorney relationship with You. I simply share information that you may find interesting or useful.

The US Copyright Office publishes many works about Fair Use and You. Consider browsing these resources. I make no guarantees as to accuracy of these sources.

In general, per 17 USC § 107,

In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Nothing in this Policy shall be construed as limiting to any degree your right to share media under US fair use law. That is, You may post any content (comments, media, etc.) that are protected by US Fair Use law without fear of retaliation by Me (unless in My sole view the contents/depiction are malicious, salacious, or otherwise in poor taste).

I have no duty nor promise to Protect You, and, instead, You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Me as stated elsewhere within this Policy, including for copyright disputes.

DMCA Take Downs: How It Impacts You

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act affords rights to Copyright holders. It also impacts Fair Use Doctrine. Rather than first and immediately facing criminal or civil prosecution, a DMCA provision allows Copyright holders to directly ask the Site administrator to simply remove the infringed upon work(s) (“takedown request”). This is called a Section 512 request.

As a User and Poster (of borrowed, copyrighted content–like another persons’s words or media), fair use rights may narrowly or largely approach and/or cross the line into copyright infringement. If an entity, claiming copyright and/or misuse/abuse of their copyrighted content, requests a DMCA take down: 1) I will attempt to alert you; 2) I will also attempt to process that entity’s request(s) in accordance with DMCA law; 3) I may remove the content in question from this Site–even if not settled fact as to be bone fide infringement; and, 4) I will share the requesting Entity’s request with an advocacy group(s) like Lumen (a/k/a

As noted elsewhere: I have NO DUTY TO YOU to defend nor pursue any rights, purported by you to Me, pertaining to such DMCA requests and takedowns. Conversely, You promise to protect me as stated herein, including matters related to copyright infringement.

If you believe a work(s) appearing on this Site is one for which 1) You hold or are entitled to Copyright protection, 2) You hold a Good Faith Belief that the Content is infringing on your copyright protection; and, 3) all other relevant Section 512 requirements are met, You MUST download and complete this DMCA Takedown Request Form and submit it to Me. YOUR REQUEST WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF *ANY* PORTION OF THE FORM IS INCOMPLETE: YOU WILL NOT BE NOTIFIED OF NON-COMPLIANCE. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANY ACTION IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY IN-FULL: BESIDES THE CONTENT BEING ALLOWED TO REMAIN, YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A REPLY/ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR INCOMPLETE REQUESTS.


Publication Revisions

I may from time to time revise published content, such as textual revisions in posts and pages.

You are NOT entitled to an alert, notice, advisory or similar communication when I make such revisions or changes to any content on this Site, be it textual/wording, design, or otherwise.

You are not entitled to know the: date, time, or reason for the change(s)/revision(s). You are not entitled to the time stamp of original publication nor of the revision. You are not entitled to an archive or other reproduction of the original text/content, and I do not need to provide it to you even if you ask.

If posts are amended or else revised, I will generally attempt to provide both an indication that a change has been made, a brief description of the change, and when the change was made. However, as above, I am not required to provide this. It is merely a good practice to do so, but I do not promise to do this.

By using/accessing/requesting/visiting this Site, you agree to this important section (in addition to all other policies, as stated here in).


Who I Share Your Data With

This list is NOT exhaustive yet is representative of the Services/Providers that can access Your data and of Provider types herein.

If You request a password reset, Your IP address will be included in the reset email. This IP address will be logged by my Providers, and it will also be transmitted to You (via email). I will retain the logged record for security purposes. The third party Service(s) and/or Provider(s) that secure the Site collect metadata, so in that way, a high-level set of data somewhat related to You is shared.

For instance, your IP address, ISP, hostname, inferred geographical location (e.g., based on your IP/ISP), and similar metadata may be processed or temporarily logged by Providers. These may also be logged locally and available to Me. Providers only process this information, but they are not allowed to keep logs: only I have access to Your logged information, and only in some cases.

There is debate as to whether such metadata is personally identifiable. U.S. Courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have upheld that an IP address is NOT a person, specifically in the context of sharing data on the Internet. The theory is that, there are many variables, one being that IPs are shared/rotated among ISP subscribers and by members of a household/unit: thus, it is functionally impossible to prove a single person ”belongs” to an IP address. Therefore, this kind of data is not personally identifiable in Internet contexts.

I don’t publish, sell or otherwise share Your registered email address(es) or username(s) that You use to participate with the Site. Providers may transiently process this information, such as to let you login, reset your password, comment, and the likes. I am not compensated for their Services, and I do not have agreements allowing them to share your data elsewhere for compensatory purposes.

Additionally, some of this logged information is shared with third-party providers like Google, Microsoft/MSN/Bing, and other providers for the sole purpose of gauging traffic to/from the Site. As above, these are not necessarily specific, personally-identifying data, and I do not personally read what’s inside them. I do regularly review IP logs as part of good security practices, such as to ban malicious traffic, but I do not attempt nor intend to combine data to identify You.

To speed content delivery, secure the Site, and improve your experience, we also use the Stackpath Content Delivery Network (“CDN”) in partnership with WPMU Dev. Your data are encrypted to- and from the CDN. If You only browse the Site and do not interact (e.g., only read pages), then only your IP address is processed and in an anonymous manner. Otherwise, data processed by Stackpath is kept for no longer than 7 days.

Some such data are shared with WPMU Dev for security and operations purposes only. WPMU Dev logs are maintained for up to 12 months before auto-deleting (if not purged sooner). Data are encrypted in transfer to- and from the Service Provider and while residing on Site’s Server.

How Long I Retain Your Data

Various data and elements are retained for various timeframes, as described herein. Most items are retained for at least 30 days and others indefinitely or else in a manner required by law. I reserve the right to delete any data at any time, even if the Policy states that such data is/are (normally) kept for a different minimum. Most categories are maintained for the minimum per law or 36 months (whichever is longest). Read more and in the Cookies Provision.

If You leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so I and the Site can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue. The metadata are also critical to securing the Site, including protecting Your data from bad actors.

If You request a password reset, Your IP address will be included in the reset email. For security purposes, this IP address may be logged for up to 1 month by a Provider(s). All IP address collections for this purpose are automatically purged after 1 month of MOST RECENT collection.

For Users that register on our Site (“Registered User”), the Site software stores the personal information from the User profile. A Registered User can see, edit, or delete his/her personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). I and Site administrators can also see and edit that information.

Comments via Third Party Sites/Services, such as social media providers: In general, I cannot control comments You make via third party Services, like Facebook or Twitter, but I may 1) remove comments for any reason and 2) archive the comment(s) however I wish, at any time, and keep these comments and any related data for any period of time. Also, You can delete Your comment(s) using the original service, if that Service allows you to do that.

Cookie Consent/Accept: If You are prompted with a Cookie notice and accept the offer to hide them again, a cookie will log that for up to 1 year. At 1 year, all related data automatically erase, and the cookie becomes defunct. You can also choose not to remember your choice. This is provided by Complianz (privacy policy).

Security, Operational & Functional LOGS: As noted within, logs are kept no longer than 12 months at which point the data within automatically deletes. This is NOT a guarantee of privacy or 100% uptime of encryption.

Emails: Email messages sent to any address at this domain become My property, and You release any and all rights to the message(s). I will retain Your email for as long as I wish, and You have no data control protection rights over these. Some messages may be encrypted by Me: the same provisions apply.

What Rights You Have Over Your Data

If You are a Registered User on this Site, or if You have left comments, You can request to receive an exported file of the personal data held about You, including any data You have provided to me. If You commented via a third party, such as Facebook or Twitter, I may not have control: You should delete the post Yourself, but I may (or may not) try.

You can request that I erase any personal data held about You, especially if You are a Registered User. This applies almost exclusively to data You shared to create an account specifically on this Site (i.e., data you shared while Registering). This does not include any data that I am obliged to keep for administrative, legal, and/or security purposes.

What is Collected

Various forms of data, especially metadata, are automatically provided to the Server by Your browser. Some of those data and elements are analyzed and/or stored. Descriptions, explanations, your options, opt-out abilities and more are described throughout the Policy and via incorporations (such as in The Cookies Provision).

For more granular details, see The Cookies Provision. Broadly, the following categories of data are collected:

  • IP address
  • Geolocation data
  • User-Agent(s) (“UA”)
  • Referrer (source that sent you to Site)
  • Internet Service Provider (“ISP”)
  • Internet activity information, such as interactions with sites leading You here
  • Social media accounts, especially if You use one to interact with the Site
  • Photographs (only if You post or set a ”Gravatar” profile picture)

METADATA PROCESSING: When Visitors leave comments on the Site, Site Service(s) and/or Provider(s) automatically collects the data shown in the comments form. It also notes the Visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection (metadata). Sometimes, other high-level pieces of data, which are not linked to You but theoretically could be, are also collected by that same software Service or by the Hosting Provider at the server-level.


Ad Choices & Control of Your Device

You may exercise Your own Ad Choices via multiple services and providers. However, opting-out may degrade or even block the Site experience for You. For instance, You may be inconvenienced by having to log-in each time you revisit the site. Click to: opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, opt-out of Microsoft/MSN/Bing tracking (and here).

There are industry-wide tools for general opt-outs: here for US general opt-out, here for EU/UK opt-out, for other options to persistently opt-out of many vendors, even ones we don’t use. There are also mobile apps for devices.

These services and apps–none of which being sponsored nor warranted by Me–may help You to better control Your exposure to- and participation with cookies. However, it is unlikely that using these tools alone or even in combination will prevent all cookies. Please see The Cookies Provision for more on that topic.

Opt-Out: Ads vs. Other (Collected) Data

OPT-OUT REQUESTS: In short, due to various circumstances, I am not subject to any US nor foreign law known to Me regarding data rights. Accordingly, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS OTHERWISE AFFORDED UNDER THE RESPECTIVE LAWS. I do not process opt-out requests except on emergency, case-by-case bases, and any and all forms of opt-out and/or data removal are at my sole discretion as individual good will gestures, each. Because I do not sell Your data, I am not required to provide a ”do not sell” form or link, and I do not have to comply with requests. However, I do offer a DBARs form where You can request that I remove/destroy data about you: this is NOT guaranteed to be actioned nor even acknowledged, though I will attempt to assist when able.

Why is This Site Not Subject to Most Internet Privacy Laws?

There are many factors, and the most universal is that I neither target persons from covered areas nor do I engage in selling of data, in a traditional sense.

For instance, I am not a California-based entity, and I do not sell or share data per CCPA definitions (CA Civ Code § 1798.100, et seq. (2018)). I am not a Nevada-based entity, and I do not sell or share data per NV definitions (Nev. Rev. Stat. § 603.A.300-603.A.360 (2019)(SB 260)). Further, I am not a EU nor UK-based entity, nor do I collect data covered by EU (32016R0679 (2019) ”GDPR”) laws: I am exempt from GDPR and DPA (“Data Protection Act (2018))(“DPA”).

Additional information about CCPA applicability, which is shared by some other similar policies: Beyond the above-mentioned reasons, the above-mentioned policies do not apply for reasons related to income, volume, targeting of Users and/or more. For instance, I need not be CCPA-compliant because I or this Site do not:

  • Have annual revenue over $25 million 
  • Annually collects, buys, sells or shares more than 50,000 Users’ personal information
  • Earns more than 50% of revenue from selling users’ personal information

You have NO rights over data provided or received as an email to or from any address at this domain.

Cookies (Overview)

There are absolutely -0- “first party” cookies on this Site. Anywhere. In other words, I have not built any cookies for any purposes. However, some of the third-party Providers and/or Services that power or secure the Site and its features leave cookies. Please see the separate Cookies Provision. This Provision, exactly as hyperlinked, is integrated with the Terms herein to be one, unified Global Policy (“(The) Global Policy,” ”The Policy”).

Follow this link to learn more about what kinds of cookies are processed, what Service or Provider causes or processes it, and the reason each is used.

Please see “The Cookies Provision,” hosted on a dedicated page. It is ratified to be a constituent portion(s) of this Global Policy. The Provision is elsewhere because of its unique structure and length. For instance, it includes a table about the cookies You may encounter here. It also is more specific about how, why, from where, and what kind of data/cookies You may encounter. An overview of Data Collected is above.


As noted above, I value the security and privacy of friendly Visitors. The processes of enforcing security, including collecting- and acting upon security-related data, are provided above. This section describes where such data is sent.

Where Your Data Is Sent

Technical Information & Comments: Where Your data is sent, if it is sent anywhere, depends upon the purpose. Most interactions with the Site are served via a Content Delivery Network (“CDN”), specifically Stackpath CDN. Visitor comments are saved and may be archived, even if You posted via a third party. Comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service (Askimet), and this is automatic: You cannot opt-out. Here your data choice is: leave or do not comment. Data about Your device and connection, which Services use to secure and operate the Site, is shared, but those providers destroy it and cannot necessarily positively or directly identify You. For instance, I use various firewalls to block malicious IP address, hostnames and/or bots. I will not disclose the name of these defense systems because it could compromise Site security.

Even though tangential identifiers are collected, processed, shared and/or stored (but NEVER sold), such items, including IP addresses, are (typically) anonymized and/or encrypted when stored or transferring. Thus, the handling meets (or exceeds) GDPR recommendations.

Please refer to The Cookies Provision for more about this subject, such as which kinds You may encounter here, along with why and how they are used.

Emails to this domain: Your email is processed by secure Google servers on My behalf. The communication is encrypted, when able, and secured via multiple means, dependent on what Your device/browser supports. Google does not read the messages unless we ask them to (such as reading headers for technical support). Google has no rights to read Your emails, except if I ask them to or if they receive a valid warrant/court order. Otherwise, Your email data is handled much like any other private company’s exchanges. Messages en route to and/or delivered to Me become My property, and You have no data control rights.

Search Engine Takedown Requests

[Coming soon…]

FTC Disclosure (Affiliates & Commissions)

Disclaimers & Disclosures

Good Faith Basis

The information provided by (“Me,” ”My,” ”I”) on (the “Site,” the ”Domain”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however I make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site.

External Link Disclaimer

The Site may contain (or you may be sent through the Site) links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties or links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness by us. I DO NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY INFORMATION OFFERED BY THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES LINKED THROUGH THE SITE OR ANY WEBSITE OR FEATURE LINKED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING. I WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.

Liability Disclaimer




FTC Disclosure

At the time of publication, I do not engage in affiliate programs or any other types of commissions or kickback programs. Since this site is Powered by Trust™, it’s important to Me that You know this and that I’m thus not required to provide a Disclosure. In other words, this is why You won’t find a Disclosure anywhere on the Site.

According to the FTC, the event that triggers need for Disclosure is ”[…] an act or practice is deceptive […that…] misleads “a significant minority” of consumers,” and they are only required in such a case.

Professional & Medical Disclaimer

The Site cannot and does not contain medical/health/fitness advice. The medical/health/fitness information is provided for general discussion purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, I encourage You to consult with the appropriate professionals. I do not provide any kind of medical/health/fitness advice. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

I have approximately 15 years of experience across various domains within and across the healthcare industry. I am not a physician and hold no licensure to practice any form of Medicine in the US or any other locale. No medically-themed content should be misconstrued as medical advice or instruction: You should ALWAYS consult Your own licensed physician(s) before acting upon ANY medical content.

Testimonials & Comments Disclaimer

POLICY. The Site may contain testimonials and/or comments by Users of the Site and/or Services. These testimonials reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of such Users. However, the experiences are personal to those particular Users and may not necessarily be representative of all Users of the Site and/or services. I do not claim, and You should not assume, that all Users will have the same experiences.

YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. The testimonials and/or comments on the Site are submitted in various forms such as text, audio and/or video, and may be reviewed by Me before being posted. They appear on the Site verbatim as given by the users, except for the correction of grammar or typing errors. Some testimonials may have been shortened for the sake of brevity where the full testimonial contained extraneous information not relevant to the general public. The views and opinions contained in the testimonials belong solely to the individual User and do not reflect My views and opinions. I am not affiliated with Users who provide testimonials, and Users are not paid or otherwise compensated for their testimonials.

MEDICAL TESTIMONIALS & COMMENTS. The testimonials and comments on the Site are not intended, nor should they be construed, as claims that the Site and/or services can be used to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent, or otherwise be used for any disease or medical condition. No testimonials have been clinically proven or evaluated.

Warranty & Indemnification


INDEMNIFICATION. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Site, its officer(s) (“Me”), directors, employees, agents and third parties, for any losses, costs, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) relating to or arising out of your use of or inability to use the Site or services, any user postings made by you, your violation of any terms of this Agreement or your violation of any rights of a third party, or your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. Site reserves the right, at its own cost, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will fully cooperate with Site in asserting any available defenses.


NO WARRANTY. I do not offer to You, the Visitor and/or User–whether Registered or not–nor do I make any form of a Guarantee or Warranty related to any visitation and/or use of the Site. I also do not Guarantee or Warrant any content on, linked to or from, or implied on this Site. No claims or statements, except those part of this Policy, shall be construed as definitive fact nor contract nor agreement. YOU MUST AGREE TO ALL THESE TERMS (COLLECTIVELY, “(THE) GLOBAL POLICY”) TO USE THIS SITE. YOU MAY NOT OPT-OUT OF THE POLICY IN-WHOLE OR WITH ANY SINGULAR OR SEVERAL PORTION(S) OF THIS SITE. INSTEAD MUST AGREE TO ALL TERMS WITHIN THIS POLICY. DO NOT USE THIS SITE IF YOU CANNOT OR DO NOT AGREE TO ALL TERMS HEREIN.


Any disputes under these Terms and Conditions (a/k/a “The Global Policy”) will take place on an individual basis; class arbitrations and class/representative/collective actions are not permitted. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT A PARTY MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN EACH’S INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PUTATIVE CLASS, COLLECTIVE AND/ OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, SUCH AS IN THE FORM OF A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION AGAINST THE OTHER. Further, unless both you and Site agree otherwise, the presiding judge may not consolidate more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.


Site and/or Owner reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate Your access to the Site and the related services or any portion thereof at any time, without notice. To the maximum extent permitted by law, this agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Ohio, and You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Ohio in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Site. Further, You do not get to choose the venue. Use of the Site is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these Terms, including, without limitation, this section.

You agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and Site as a result of this agreement or use of the Site. Site’s performance of this agreement is subject to existing laws and legal process, and nothing contained in this agreement is in derogation of Site’s right to comply with governmental, court, and law enforcement requests or requirements relating to Your use of the Site or information provided to or gathered by Site with respect to such use.

Unless otherwise specified herein, this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the User (Visitor, Guest) and Site with respect to the Site, and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between the User and Site with respect to the Site. A printed version of this agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. It is the express wish to the parties that this agreement and all related documents be written in English.


I support the free and open exchange of ideas. Incredible publications are built upon such platforms and channels which have lifted or bypassed traditional, restrictive copyright controls. As this Site serves to built Trust, I accordingly and happily build- and share upon open-source and limited-restriction software. Accordingly, many of the operational aspects of this site are available to You with limited (yet still some) copyright restrictions. Note that content is typically NOT free of copyright: for instance, most pictures posted or shared are licensed from a copyright owner/representative. Exercise caution in this regard, and consult an attorney if you seek clarification as to copyright status of specific elements.

In furtherance of building an educated community, I too elect to loosen the grip of traditional copyright: While I retain ultimate control, certain elements may be used more freely than usual and with limited restrictions. Specifically, derivations of already-shared works, such as Child Themes used on the Site, are shared under Creative Commons v4.0 BY-NC-SA license. Thus, you may freely “remix” my Child Themes and certain other design elements pursuant to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Consult with Me to avoid accidental infringement. I hope you’ll join in sharing your work more freely!

Otherwise, and unless otherwise stated, all elements of this site are Copyright–all rights–of Me. This includes all written content (published by Me) and all media (posted by me; and certain items posted by You, where applicable pursuant to this Policy), unless otherwise noted on that Work.

This Site’s core is built upon WordPress. I have modified the appearance and operation of the site, in line with WordPress’s GNU v2+ license. Accordingly, and again, various licenses and restrictions apply and in various contexts. In general, I hold Copyright to the entire Site and media (unless otherwise disclosed). Copyright requests or concerns, other than DMCAs, should be addressed to me.

Creative Commons license version 4.0Attribution required (Creative Commons v4.0)Not for commercial use (Creative Commons v4.0)Share Alike (Creative Commons v4.0)
Child Elements ® 2022 @corykoz | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
All other content, media and software © respective owners.

Changes to Terms: Amendments & Without Notice

Site (and/or I) reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change these Terms (“The Global Policy”) under which is offered. The most current version of the Terms will supersede all previous versions. Site encourages You to periodically review the Terms to stay informed of updates. I have no duty to inform You, publicize, share, or otherwise make You nor any Entity aware of the edit(s). The edit(s) may occur at any time, and Your (continued) use of the Site means You agree to the full Policy, as revised.

Last revised: Thursday, 02-Feb-2023. N.b.: This is a courtesy only—there may have been revisions since, and I am not required to tell you about that.

NOTE: The Global Policy and/or some of its constituents may have been or were created using third-party language generators. These include WordPress/Automattic, Complianz, and/or